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 Doctoral Fellowship for International Applicants at Max Planck Sciences Po Center, France 2015

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MessageSujet: Doctoral Fellowship for International Applicants at Max Planck Sciences Po Center, France 2015    Doctoral Fellowship for International Applicants at Max Planck Sciences Po Center, France 2015   Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2015 - 22:22

Doctoral Fellowship for International Applicants at Max Planck Sciences Po Center, France 2015   MaxpoCallForApplications2014

The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies invites applications for doctoral fellowship. It is a 3-year contract starting in October 2015; one 12-week teaching or administrative requirement, preferably in the first year of the fellowship (to be negotiated with the PhD adviser). The recipients of the PhD fellowship will work under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Godechot or Prof. Cornelia Woll and will have to apply for formal enrollment in the doctoral programs in sociology or political science of Sciences Po in Paris. The application deadline is 15 March, 2015.

Study Subject(s): Fellowship is awarded mainly in the field of Sociology or Political Science.
Course Level: Fellowship is available for pursuing PhD program at Sciences Po Paris and Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
Scholarship Provider: Max Planck-Sciences Po Center
Scholarship can be taken at: France (Paris)

Eligibility: The candidate will hold a master’s degree (or equivalent) and have received training in the following disciplines: sociology or political science, with additional training in related fields such as economics, history, management, or philosophy. She or he should have experience in qualitative and quantitative methods. There is no nationality preference. However, a firm command of English and working knowledge of French or German are required.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Candidates of any nationality can apply for this doctoral fellowship.

Scholarship Description: The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies invites applications for doctoral fellowships. The recipients of the PhD fellowship will work under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Godechot or Prof. Cornelia Woll and will have to apply for formal enrollment in the doctoral programs in sociology or political science of Sciences Po in Paris. The thesis project should be linked to MaxPo’s research program focused on coping with instability in market societies, and the interests of the two research group leaders, though empirical research topics may be quite varied. The research themes should be located in economic sociology or political economy.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): It is a 3-year contract starting in October 2015; one 12-week teaching or administrative requirement, preferably in the first year of the fellowship (to be negotiated with the PhD adviser).

What does it cover? The fellowship amount is € 2,188 / month (gross salary, about 1,600€ net).

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: Shortlisted candidates will be invited to take part in an online interview. Final decisions will be made by mid-April 2015.

How to Apply: Please email the complete file (write “MaxPo PhD positions 2015” in the subject line).
-a CV
-a transcript of records
-a cover letter briefly describing your academic path so far and discussing the themes that interest you (2 pages maximum)
-a thesis project (5,000 words maximum)
-an abstract summarizing the thesis project
-a writing sample (article, thesis, term paper, …)
-if possible, we strongly encourage you to obtain one or more letters of recommendation (especially useful is a letter from your MA advisor)
Please also note that successful candidates will need to apply for admission through the online procedure of the Ecole doctorale of Sciences Po before 22 April 2015. Administrative registration will occur in June 2015 by the Graduate School of Sciences Po. All the details will be forwarded to the candidates selected for a MaxPo fellowship in April.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 15 March, 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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