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 KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015

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Big Brother
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KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 Empty
MessageKGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015


To provide international students with an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea,
To develop global leaders and strengthen Korea-friendly networks worldwide.
KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 Kgsp-inha


[Graduate Program]
대학원 정보초청외국인장학생 지원기간과 지원자격
Master's course1 year of Korean language + 2 years of Master's course
Doctoral course1 year of Korean language + 3 years of Doctoral course

  1. ① The applicant and his/her parents must hold foreign citizenships.
    * Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
  2. ② Applicants must be under 40 years of age of the selection year.
  3. ③ Applicants must hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree as of September 1st of the selection year.
    * Applicants who have previously enrolled in or graduated from an undergraduate program, a master's program, or a doctoral program (including exchange program) in Korea are ineligible to apply for the program.
  4. ④ Applicants must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80%(out of 100%) or higher from the previously attended institution. If the applicant does not satisfy the above GPA requirements, he/she will be ineligible to apply to this program.

[Undergraduate Program]
학부 정보초청외국인장학생 지원기간과 지원자격
5 yearsKGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 Busi0101_img02
Prospective applicants must meet the following qualification criteria;

  1. ① Must be a citizen of the country to which the scholarship is offered, which also applies to the applicants' parents
  2. ② Have graduated or will be scheduled to graduate from high school as of March 1st of the invitation year
  3. ③ Must possess above 80% (out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (CGPA), or must be within the top 20% (out of 100%) in rank in high school.

Selection Procedure

[Graduate Program]
1st SelectionThe 1st selection institutions (Overseas Korean embassies or Domestic designated universities)
will draft a selections standard based on the criteria provisioned by NIIED,
and will recommend qualified applicants according to its respective standards.
2nd SelectionThe NIIED selection committee will select the most successful candidates
from the pool of applicants recommended by the 1st selection institutions.
3rd SelectionOnly candidates who were recommended by a Korean embassy and have passed the 2nd
selection successfully will be evaluated for admission. Successful candidates will gain
admission from at least one of the three universities.

Announcement of final successful candidates will be made
[Undergraduate Program]
1st round of selectionKorean Embassies will recruit and select qualified candidates
* Applicants should apply for the program THROUGH their local Korean Embassy
2nd round of selectionNIIED selection committee will screen qualified candidates selected
by the Korean Embassies
3rd round of selectionKorean Universities will screen candidates for admission
Announcement of final successful candidates will be made


[Graduate Program]
학부 정보초청외국인장학생 지원기간과 지원자격
[th]Airfare[/th][th]Monthly Allowance[/th][th]Research AllowancePer Semester[/th][th]Relocation (Settlement)Allowance[/th][th]Language Training Fee[/th][th]Tuitions[/th][th]Dissertation Printing Costs[/th][th]Medical Insurance[/th][th]Special funding for scholarswho are proficient in theKorean language(TOPIK Level 5 or 6)[/th]
Round-trip economy class ticket
900,000 won (KRW) per month
210,000 won for scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences;
240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences
200,000 won upon arrival
Full coverage
All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university)
The tuition will be provided for by NIIED
500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on actual costs
20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage)
100,000 won per month
[Undergraduate Program]
- Round-trip economy class airfare
- Monthly Stipend (800,000 won)
- Medical insurance (20,000 won) per month will be provided (limited coverage)
- Settlement Allowance (200,000 won upon arrival)
- Tuitions
* Additionally, grantees with a good command of the Korean language (level 5 or higher in TOPIK)
will receive an additional 100,000 won

Dernière édition par ilyes le Sam 17 Jan 2015 - 11:50, édité 1 fois
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KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 :: Commentaires

Big Brother
Re: KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015
Message Sam 20 Déc 2014 - 22:55 par Big Brother


Pour fournir aux étudiants internationaux la possibilité de mener des études avancées dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur en Corée,
de former des leaders mondiaux et renforcer les réseaux Corée amicales dans le monde entier.
 KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 Kgsp-inha


[Programme d'études supérieures]
École de l'information et de bourses d'études Période d'admissibilité [th]Bourse  Période[/th][th]Qualifications[/th]
Cours de Master1 année de langue coréenne + 2 années de cours de Master
Cours de doctorat1 année de langue coréenne + 3 années de cours de doctorat

  1. ① le requérant et son / ses parents doivent tenir citoyennetés étrangères. * Les candidats qui détiennent la citoyenneté coréenne ne sont pas autorisés à participer à ce programme.
  2. ② Les candidats doivent avoir moins de 40 ans de l'année de sélection.
  3. ③ Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un diplôme de licence ou Master à partir du 1er Septembre de l'année de sélection. * Les candidats qui ont déjà inscrits ou diplômés d'un programme de premier cycle, le programme de maîtrise, ou un programme de doctorat (y compris programme d'échange) en Corée ne sont pas admissibles à appliquer pour le programme.
  4. ④ Les candidats doivent maintenir une moyenne pondérée cumulative (MPC) d'au moins 2,64 sur une échelle de 4,0, 2,80 sur une échelle de 4,3, 2,91 sur une échelle 4,5, ou grades / marques / score de 80% (sur 100%) ou plus de l'institution déjà fréquenté. Si le demandeur ne satisfait pas aux exigences de l'AMP ci-dessus, il / elle ne sera pas admissible à appliquer à ce programme.

[Programme de premier cycle]
  [th]Bourse  Période[/th][th]Qualifications[/th]
5 annéesKGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015 Busi0101_img02
Les candidats éventuels doivent satisfaire aux critères de qualification suivants;

  1. ① doit être un citoyen du pays pour lequel la bourse est offert, qui s'applique également aux parents des requérants
  2. ② ont obtenu leur diplôme ou sera prévue pour obtenir leur diplôme d'études secondaires à partir du 1er Mars de l'année d'invitation
  3. ③ doit posséder plus de 80% (sur 100%) moyenne cumulative de qualité (ACMG), ou doit être dans le top 20% (sur 100%) en grade à l'école secondaire.

pour plus d'information sur les critères de sélection :

KGSP Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2015

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