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 Programme de bourses d'excellence pour la haute technologie par IDB

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Programme de bourses d'excellence pour la haute technologie par  IDB Empty
MessageProgramme de bourses d'excellence pour la haute technologie par IDB

للعـــــــام الدراسي (2014-2015م (

  1. يسر البنك الإسلامي للتنمية الإعلان عن فتح باب المنافسة لنيل منح برنامجه للمتفوقين في العلوم والتقانة العليا للعام الدراسي 2014-2015م، وستمنح المنح للمتقدمين الناجحين ابتداءً من سبتمبر 2014 م.

  2. وقد وضع البرنامج بحيث يساعد الطلاب الواعدين لمتابعة الدراسة لمدة 3 سنوات لنيل درجة الدكتوراه أو لفترة تتراوح بين 6 و12 شهراً لبحوث ما بعد الدكتوراه في المواد العلمية التي من شأنها أن تعزز التنمية في الدول الأعضاء في البنك، مع إعطاء الأولوية لتخصصات الصحة، والطب، والزراعة، والانتاج الغذائي، والموارد المائية، والتصحر، والطاقة، وتنمية البنى التحتية، وتكنولوجيا النانو، وتقنية المعلومات والاتصال التي تعنى بالتنمية. وهنالك بعض المنح تتاح لإجراء دراسات وبحوث في العلوم البحتة المرتبطة بالاختراعات.
  3. تشمل المنح الدراسية رسوم الدراسة، وكلفة المعيشة، والتأمين الطبي، وتذكرة الذهاب والعودة، وعلاوة المشاركة في المؤتمرات وذلك بصفة عامة، وعلاوة الحاسوب، وعلاوة الزوجة لطلاب الدكتوراه.
  4. يجب أن يكون المتقدم مواطناً من إحدى الدول الأعضاء في البنك، وأن يكون قد عمل في وظيفة دائمة في إحدى المؤسسات الأكاديمية أو المراكز البحثية في بلده، ويجب أن يستوفي شروط الأهلية المتعلقة بالبرنامج.
  5. يجب على مرشح الناجح أن يؤمن قبوله في إحدى الجامعات التي ترد في قائمة ملحق جريدة "تايم" للتعليم العالي، ويمكنكم زيارة الموقع:
  6. ستعطى الأولوية للمرشحين الذي قبلتهم الجامعات التي أبرمت اتفاقات تعاون مع البنك لنيل درجة الدكتوراه، مثل جامعة (كمبردج)، وجامعة (أوكسفورد)، وجامعة (نوتنغهام)، وجامعة (برمنجهام) ، وجامعة كلية لندن في المملكة المتحدة، وجامعة (Paris-Tech) في فرنسا، وجامعة الملك عبد الله للعلوم والتقنية في المملكة العربية السعودية، وجامعة برينستون في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو في الـ50 جامعة الأولى في قائمة جريدة "تايم".
  7. على المرشحين الراغبين في التقدم لمنحة البرنامج أن يزوروا موقع البنك على الشبكة العنكبوتية: للحصول على استمارة الطلب، وقراءة المعلومات الكاملة والمفصلة عن شروط الأهلية وكيفية تقديم الطلبات والمزايا والتسهيلات وأسماء الجامعات.
  8. يجب على المتقدم إكمال تعبئة استمارة الطلب وارساله، مشفوعاً بالوثائق والمستندات المطلوبة على النحو المذكور في استمارة التقديم، وذلك عن طريق مكتب محافظ البنك الإسلامي للتنمية في بلد المتقدم. وأن لا يرسله مباشرة إلى مقر البنك في جدة. ويجب أن تصل الطلبات إلى مكتب المحافظ المعني، أو إلى المكتب الذي يكلفه المحافظ لهذا الغرض، في موعد أقصاه 31 يناير 2014م. وأن أي طلبات ترسل مباشرة إلى مقر البنك الإسلامي للتنمية لن يُنظر فيها.

شعبة المنح الدراسية
البنك الإسلامي للتنمية
 ص.ب : 5925 جدة 21432 المملكة العربية السعودية
 هاتف :  6466833 2 966 ن فاكس :6466887 9662  عربي: إسلام ، البريد الإلكتروني:
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Programme de bourses d'excellence pour la haute technologie par IDB :: Commentaires

The Programme was launched in 1413H (1992), named ‘The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology' (MSP).

2. Objective and Scope
The objective of the programme is to develop technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and technology needed for the development of the member countries.
The Programme offers scholarships for study and research at two levels: (i) 3-year Ph.D. study/ research, and (ii) 6-12 months of Post-Doctoral research.

3. Concept
The concept is to assist the needs of the IDB member countries and their institutions in developing high quality and hi-tech human resources in science and technology areas that they are lacking but crucial for their development.

4. Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must meet the following basic criteria:

    • Age not over (a) 35 years for Ph.D. study, and (b) 40 years for Post-Doctoral research;
    • Attached to a research/academic/development institution in science and technology in their respective country;
    • Must possess the required academic background in the related field of their proposed study/research and have some professional/research experience in the respective field;
    • Demonstrate that the research proposal has scientific and technological relevance with the objective of meeting the priority development needs of the country;
    • Have good command of the language of the institution of study and the ability to conduct scientific work in it.

5. Fields of Study
Fields of studies under the programme are determined by the priority needs of the country’s development in science and technology sectors and to supplement the IDB vision 1440H.  Current focus is thus on the following fields of studies:
Health/medicine, Agriculture/Food production, Water Resources/ Desertification, Energy/Infrastructure Development, Nanotechnology, Development-focused ICT, and pure Science subjects.

6. Place of Study
The selected candidates are to pursue their research and study at the top most reputable academic and research institutions worldwide.

7. Benefits
The scholarship covers the following benefits and entitlements:

  • All academic expenses
  • Living allowances
  • Health Insurance
  • Round trip air-tickets to and from place of study
  • Conference Participation allowance
  • Scientific Paper preparation allowance
  • Computer allowance (for Ph.D. only)
  • Family allowance (for Ph.D. only)

8. Annual time-table
The Programme is announced through the IDB Governors' Offices in the countries concerned by the following annual time-table:
September - Announcement of the Programme

9. How to apply
Download the application form for 3-Year Ph.D. Study or application form for Post-Doctoral Research.  The applications must be submitted through the nominating institutions to the Office of the IDB Governor for the country. It is the Office of the IDB Governor that will forward the applications to the IDB and not the individual applicants or the nominating institutionsAs for Egypt, applications should be forwarded through the Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt instead of Office of the IDB Governor. Applications sent directly to the IDB will not be considered.

10. Selection procedure
All the applications submitted to the IDB Governor's Office are to go through the following process:

  1. Screening by the IDB Governor's Office to forward to IDB the most eligible applications;
  2. In-house review at the IDB;
  3. Scientific and technical evaluation of eligible applications by a panel of external reviewers composed of scientists and experts in their fields.
  4. Final selection by the IDB.

11. Obligations of the Partners

  1. Candidates
    Candidates awarded the scholarship must:

    1. Sign the Surety Bond stating their commitments to studies, to return to their countries upon completion and resume work in their home institutions;
    2. Devote themselves to their studies on a full-time continuous basis and provide the IDB with periodic reports on their academic
    3. Not seek or accept other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies, unless agreed to in writing by the IDB;
    4. Respect the laws of the country of study while maintaining good personal and professional conducts consistent with the objectives, rules & regulations of the programme and the overall mission of the IDB as an Islamic institution.
    5. To register with the Science Development Network (SDN) for continuous scientific/professional activities under the patronage of IDB.

  2. Nominating Institutions
    As a partner in the joint effort with the IDB, the institutions nominating candidates are expected to:

    1. Nominate suitable candidates, assist them in all aspects of the documentation preparation and in securing the necessary endorsement from the Office of the IDB Governor for the country.
    2. Assist the selected scholars in preparation of their departure for study and place them on study-leave maintaining their pay-roll status.
    3. Help resettle them and support them in their research and equipment needs, on their return to the institution.

  3. Offices of the IDB Governors
    As the channel of announcement and initial processing of the applications, the Offices of the IDB Governors are expected to:

    1. Announce the Programme as widely as possible among the scientific and research communities in the country;
    2. Disseminate information and application forms to all relevant scientific and research institutions and interested scholars in the country;
    3. Screen and pre-process applications to ensure eligibility and completion of documentation against requirements;
    4. Pre-select and submit to the IDB only those who are most qualified and in the proposed fields of study that are most needed for the development of the country.

12. Community Development Support
To help scholars prepare themselves for their future leading role in the socio-economic and technological development of their societies and countries, the IDB also provides them with extra-curricular activities under a special programme called Community Development Programme (CDP) comprising the following two components:

  • Post Study Activities (PSA): Since the graduates are the keys to the delivery of IDB objectives of socio-economic and technological development of their societies and countries, IDB supports them with a range of activities including formation of IDB Graduates’ Associations and monitoring their contribution to their society, institution and country. The Scholars are facilitated to enlist their names as consultants/experts for various capacity building and knowledge transfer programmes in IDB member countries under the IDB Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP).
  • Capacity Building Activities (CBA): The graduates are eligible to participate in regional Community Development Workshops that are held in different countries as part of the Capacity Building Activities for partners of the IDB Special Assistance and Scholarship Programmes.

Programme de bourses d'excellence pour la haute technologie par IDB

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