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 Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015

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Big Brother
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Big Brother

Sexe : Masculin
Messages Messages : 5768
Points Points : 15667

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MessageSujet: Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015    Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015  Icon_minitimeVen 31 Oct 2014 - 15:28

Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad and applications are submitted till January 15 2015. Applications are invited for one year Insight Fellowship Program to study and promote effective conflict management, make international humanitarian contributions and pursue self-reflection and personal development. The Fellowship includes a $25,000 USD expense allowance to support multiple placements totaling one year, typically in three to four month blocks. The first three-month placement is at the Boston offices of Insight Collaborative and its affiliate, Insight Partners. Fellows are expected to spend the subsequent nine months living and working in countries other than the United States and their home country. These foreign placements are proposed and arranged by the Fellow.

School(Institutions/ Country): | USA (first three months) and Abroad (except USA and applicant’s home country)

Level: t is a one year fellowship program. The first three-month placement is at the Boston offices of Insight Collaborative and its affiliate, Insight Partners. Fellows are expected to spend the subsequent nine months living and working in countries other than the United States and their home country. These foreign placements are proposed and arranged by the Fellow.

Field(s): Fellowships are awarded to study and promote effective conflict management, make international humanitarian contributions and pursue self-reflection and personal development.


January 15 2015.

Funded By: Insight Collaborative

Beneficiaries(Target Groups): Insight Fellowship is targeted forcandidates of all nationalities.

Benefits(Value/ Inclusions):

‣ Award No: Not Specified

‣ Scholarship Duration: Fellowships are awarded for a period of one year.

‣ Scholarship covers: The Fellowship includes a $25,000 USD expense allowance to support multiple placements totaling one year, typically in three to four month blocks.

‣ The Insight Fellowship Program was created in 2005 to foster a community of global-minded individuals prepared to manage conflict effectively and contribute to their local, national, and international communities.

‣ To promote these goals, the Insight Collaborative awards one-year fellowships to exceptional individuals to study and promote effective conflict management, make international humanitarian contributions, and pursue self-reflection and personal development through a series of placements in the U.S. and overseas.

To be considered for Insight Fellowship Program , applicants must be:

‣ a graduate of an accredited college or university or in good standing to graduate prior to the start of the Fellowship;

‣ fluent in English;

‣ available and committed to serving 12 consecutive months from the start of the Fellowship; and

‣ dedicated to fulfilling the purposes of the Fellowship Program and to prioritizing the Insight Fellowship Guidelines.

Selection Criteria for Insight Fellowship Program

‣ Applicants are judged on the strength of their application and on their personal achievements, character, and abilities Experience related to the study or practice of conflict management or alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is preferred, but not required.

‣ Insight Fellows must have strong academic and extracurricular portfolios.


‣ Fellowship decision will take place in Monday, March 23, 2015. Finalists will be invited to Boston for a Finalists Weekend in March consisting of an in-person interview, dinner, and a half-day negotiation workshop.
Scholarship Application Method

‣ Applications should be send by post.

‣ Scholarship Applications are due on January 15 2015.

‣ Application forms and guidelines can be download from the official website

‣ It is important to read the application procedure, and visit the official websites (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

For more Information about Insight Fellowship Program
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Big Brother
Administrateur du site
Administrateur  du site
Big Brother

Sexe : Masculin
Messages Messages : 5768
Points Points : 15667

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MessageSujet: Re: Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015    Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015  Icon_minitimeVen 31 Oct 2014 - 15:51

Institutions / Pays: | Etats-Unis (trois premiers mois) et à l'étranger (sauf Etats-Unis et le pays d'origine du demandeur)

Niveau: C'est un programme de bourses d'un an. Le premier stage de trois mois est dans les bureaux de perspicacité collaboration et sa filiale de Boston , Insight partenaires. Les boursiers sont tenus de consacrer les neuf mois suivants pour vivre et travailler dans les pays autres que les États-Unis et leur pays d'origine. Ces stages à l'étranger sont proposées et organisées par le membre .

Domaine (s): Les bourses sont accordées pour étudier et promouvoir une gestion efficace des conflits, faire des contributions humanitaires internationales et de poursuivre l'auto-réflexion et de développement personnel.

Date limite: Le 15 janvier 2015.
Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015  Usa-220x162
Bénéficiaires (groupes cibles):  La bourse est prévue pour les candidats de toutes nationalités .

Durée: Les bourses sont accordées pour une période d'un an.

La bourse comprend une allocation de 25 000 $ USDde frais de supporter de multiples placements totalisant un an, généralement en trois ou quatre blocs de mois.


Pour être considéré pour le programme de bourses Insight, les candidats doivent être:

‣ diplômé d'un collège ou une université accréditée ou en règle pour obtenir leur diplôme avant le début de la bourse;

‣ parle couramment l'anglais;

‣ disponible et engagé au service de 12 mois consécutifs à partir du début de la bourse;

‣ voué à la réalisation des fins du Programme de bourses d'études et à la priorisation des lignes directrices des bourses Insight.

Critères de sélection des  Programme de bourses d'Insight

‣ Les candidats sont jugés sur la force de leur application et de leurs réalisations personnelles, le caractère et les capacités expérience reliées à l'étude ou à la pratique de la gestion des conflits ou la résolution extrajudiciaire des litiges (ADR) est préféré, mais pas obligatoire.

‣ Les boursiers doivent posséder de solides portefeuilles scolaires et parascolaires.


‣ La décision bourse aura lieu lundi dans, 23 Mars 2015. Les finalistes seront invités à Boston pour un week-end finalistes du Mars constitué d'une entrevue en personne, le dîner et un atelier de négociation demi-journée.

Méthode de demande de bourse

Applications ‣ doivent être envoyés par la poste.
[url= Fellowships Guidelines 2015.pdf][/url]
‣  Candidatures sont dues sur  15 Janvier 2015.

‣ formes et lignes directrices peuvent être téléchargés à partir du site officiel

‣ Il est important de lire la procédure de demande, et de visiter les sites officiels (lien ci-dessous) pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur la façon d'appliquer  pour cette bourse.

[url= Fellowships Guidelines 2015.pdf][/url]
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Insight Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad , 2015
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