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 20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015

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20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015 Empty
Message20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015

Pour les jeunes experts climatiques des pays en développement intéressés à effectuer un projet en Allemagne et à établir des collaborations à long terme
La bourse permet de futurs dirigeants à passer un an en Allemagne pour travailler sur un projet de leur choix dans le domaine de la protection du climat. Les boursiers sont libres de choisir leurs propres hôtes. Soumettre une demande si vous venez d'un pays de transition non-européenne ou en développement (voir liste des pays ) et si vous êtes actif dans l'un des domaines suivants: base de l'ingénierie scientifique, aspects, juridiques, économiques, sanitaires ou sociaux du changement climatique .
20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015 7dc43022-931f-11df-84a3-d79eb2f51e7e
Au cours d'une phase d'introduction de trois semaines, vous aurez l'occasion de prendre contact avec d'autres camarades de protection du climat et les sociétés de visite, les institutions de recherche et des événements culturels en Allemagne. Un cours de langue intensif d'allemand avant de commencer la bourse permet de lisser votre chemin dans la vie quotidienne en Allemagne.

20 bourses peuvent être accordées chaque année.

  • Inscrivez-vous maintenant et postuler en ligne jusqu'au 15 Mars 2015!

Exigences de la demande

  • Diplôme universitaire (licence ou équivalent) complété avec des résultats remarquables.
  • Il est clair que le potentiel de leadership visible démontré par l'expérience dans un poste de direction, ou les références appropriées
  • Une expérience professionnelle dans un rôle de leadership dans le domaine de la protection du climat (au moins 48 mois au moment de la demande), ou d'un autre diplôme universitaire ou professionnelle
  • Très bonne connaissance de l'anglais et / ou allemand


  • montant de bourses selon les qualifications entre 2150 EUR et 2750 EUR par mois
  • Deux mois de cours intensif de langue en Allemagne
  • Somme forfaitaire pour les frais de voyage
  • Indemnités pour les visites des membres de la famille durant au moins trois mois
  • Allocation de 800 euros par mois à l'hôte en Allemagne pour des projets dans le domaine des sciences naturelles et du génie, et 500 euros par mois pour les projets dans les sciences humaines et sociales

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20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015 :: Commentaires

Federal Environment Ministry’s (BMU) International Climate Initiative is inviting applications for Fellowships for Developing Countries. Up to 20 International Climate Protection Fellowships are granted annually. Fellowships are open for young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and developing long-term collaborations. The completed application form including all the necessary additional documentation must be submitted by the closing date for applications (15 March 2015).
Study Subject (s): The fellowship is awarded in climate protection and climate-related resource conservation.
Course Level: This fellowship is for pursuing research prgramme in Germany.
Scholarship Provider: Federal Environment Ministry’s (BMU) International Climate Initiative.
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
University degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) completed with outstanding results less than 12 years prior to the start of the fellowship
-Clearly visible leadership potential demonstrated by experience in a leadership position, or appropriate references
-Professional experience in a leadership role in the field of climate protection (at least 48 months at the time of application), or a further academic or professional qualification
-Very good knowledge of English and/or German
Additional requirements-Initial practical experience gained in the context of climate protection projects
-A detailed statement by a host in Germany, including a mentoring agreement
-Citizenship of a non-European transition or developing country (see list of countries) which is also the fellow’s habitual abode and place of work
-Two expert references by individuals qualified to comment on the candidate’s professional, personal and, if applicable, academic eligibility and his / her leadership potential
Scholarship Open for International Students: Prospective leaders from the following non-European threshold and developing countries may apply for research fellowship: Afghanistan, Ecuador, Madagascar, Samoa, Algeria Egypt, Malawi, Sao Tomé and Príncipe, Angola, El Salvador, Malaysia, Senegal, Antigua and Barbuda, Equatorial Guinea, Maldives, Seychelles, Argentina, Eritrea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Mauritania, Somalia, Bangladesh, Mauritius, South Africa, Belize, Fiji, Mexico, South Sudan, Benin, Micronesia, Fed. States, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Gabon, Morocco, St. Kitts and Nevis, Bolivia, Gambia, Mongolia, St. Lucia, Botswana, Ghana, Mozambique, St. Vincent and Brazil, Grenada, Myanmar, the Grenadines, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, Sudan, Burundi, Guinea, Suriname Guinea-Bissau, Namibia, Swaziland ,Guyana, Nauru, Syria, Cambodia, Nepal, Cameroon, Nicaragua, Cape Verde, Haiti, Niger, Tajikistan, Central African Republic, Honduras, Nigeria, Tanzania, Chad, Niue, Thailand, Chile, India, Timor-Leste China, PR of Indonesia, Togo, Colombia, Iran, Pakistan, Tonga, Comoros, Iraq, Palestinian territories, Tunisia, Congo, Dem. Rep. of Palau, Turkmenistan, Congo, Rep. of the Panama, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica, Jordan, Paraguay, Cote d’Ivoire, Peru, Uganda, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Uruguay, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Kiribati, Dominica, Korea, Dem. PR of Rwanda, Dominican Republic ,Kyrgyzstan, Vanuatu, Djibouti ,Venezuela, Laos, Vietnam Lesotho, Lebanon, Yemen, Liberia, Libya, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Scholarship Description: For young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and developing long-term collaborations. The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows are free to choose their own hosts. Submit an application if you come from a non-European transition or developing country and are active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change. During a three-week introductory phase, you will have the opportunity to make contact with other climate protection fellows and visit companies, research institutions and cultural events in Germany. An intensive German-language course before you begin the fellowship will smooth your way into everyday life in Germany whilst a continuing education event lasting several days in the course of the fellowship will enable you to acquire not only practical knowledge of climate protection but also expertise in management.
Number of award(s): Up to 20 International Climate Protection Fellowships are granted annually.
Duration of award(s): The following timetable for the one-year stay in Germany is designed to facilitate networking
amongst the fellows and is mandatory for everyone:
-January, February 2016: intensive language course in Germany (optional)
-March 2016: introductory seminar
-April 2016–February 2017: work on project at host institutes in Germany
-June 2016: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Annual Meeting including reception held by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany
-Autumn 2016: several-day training course
-January/February 2017: final week including reception held by the leadership of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
-Fellowships may be extended by up to three months on application.
What does it cover? The fellowship amount reflects the fellow’s academic and professional qualifications, current position and professional experience and is currently set at 2,150
EUR, 2,450 EUR or 2,750 EUR per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and
liability insurance.
Additional benefits: Allowance for research costs to be paid to the hosts in Germany amounting to 800 EUR per
month(for projects in the natural and engineering sciences) and 500 EUR (for projects in the humanities and social sciences)
-Language fellowship for a one-to two-month intensive language course in Germany immediately prior to the start of the fellowship; when a fellowship has been granted, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation may provide financial support for improving fellows’ language skills while they are still in their own countries.Fellows with little or no knowledge of German are strongly advised to take a two-month intensive language course in Germany.
-Lump sum for the fellow’s travel expenses if the costs are not borne by a third party;
-Europe allowance for a maximum of one to two months spent studying or researching at an institution in another European country during the fellowship, provided that this is necessary to carry out the project in question.
-Family allowances for visits by family members lasting at least three months (up to 326 EUR per month for
the marital partner and up to 234 EUR per month for each child);
-For single parents accompanied by children under the age of 18 on stays of at least three months, an allowance
is available (400 EURper month for the first child, 100 EUR for every additional child)
Additional extension of the fellowship by up to three months if children under 12 also accompany the fellow to Germany.
-Extensive alumni funding after successfully completing the stay in Germany,especially support for networking with
collaborative partners in Germany during the fellow’s entire career.
Selection criteria: Not Known
Notification: After reviewing the applications, an independent selection committee will decide, probably by the beginning of July 2015, which candidates will be invited to participate in a selection meeting in Germany lasting several days. This selection meeting will take place from 15 to 18 September 2015 and applicants will be given the opportunity to outline their project to the selection committee and the other applicants as well as to attend individual interviews held by the selection committee. At the end of the meeting the selection results will be announced.
Online Application:Applications must be submitted online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The completed application form including all the necessary additional documentation must be submitted by the closing date for applications (15 March 2015).
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Internationales Klimaschutzstipendium

Für junge Klimaexperten aus Entwicklungsländern, die ein Projekt in Deutschland durchführen und langfristige Kooperationen aufbauen wollen
Das Stipendium ermöglicht Nachwuchsführungskräften, ein Jahr lang in Deutschland an einem forschungsnahen Projekt eigener Wahl im Bereich Klimaschutz zu arbeiten. Der Gastgeber kann frei gewählt werden. Bewerben Sie sich, wenn Sie aus einem außereuropäischen Schwellen- oder Entwicklungsland (siehe Länderliste) kommen und sich mit natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen, rechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen, gesundheitsbezogenen oder gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen des Klimawandels beschäftigen.
In einer dreiwöchigen Einführungsveranstaltung knüpfen Sie Kontakte zu den anderen Klimaschutzstipendiatinnen und -stipendiaten und besuchen Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und kulturelle Veranstaltungen in Deutschland. Ein vor Stipendienbeginn angebotener Intensiv-Deutschkurs erleichtert Ihnen den Einstieg in den deutschen Alltag, in einer mehrtägigen Fortbildungsveranstaltung während des Stipendiums erwerben Sie neben praktischem Wissen im Klimaschutz auch Management-Kompetenzen.
Es können jährlich 20 Stipendien vergeben werden.

  • Jetzt anmelden und bis 15. März 2015 online bewerben!


  • mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Bachelor oder vergleichbarer akademischer Abschluss), das zum Zeitpunkt des Stipendienbeginns nicht mehr als 12 Jahre zurückliegt
  • klar erkennbares Führungspotential, belegt durch Tätigkeiten als Führungskraft oder einschlägige Referenzen
  • Berufserfahrung in leitender Funktion im Bereich Klimaschutz (mindestens 48 Monate zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung) oder ein weiterer akademischer oder professioneller Abschluss
  • sehr gute englische und/oder deutsche Sprachkenntnisse

Weitere Voraussetzungen ...


  • Stipendienhöhe je nach Qualifikation zwischen monatlich 2.150 und 2.750 Euro
  • zweimonatiger Intensivsprachkurs in Deutschland
  • Pauschale für Reisekosten
  • Zulagen für mitreisende Familienmitglieder
  • Zuschuss an die Gastgeber in Deutschland in Höhe von monatlich 800 Euro für Vorhaben in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften und 500 Euro für Vorhaben in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

20 Bourses internationales de protection du climat pour les pays en développement en Allemagne, 2015

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