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 Egypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16

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MessageEgypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16

Egypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16

The Cambridge Trust is offering up to five scholarships to students from Egypt who plan to start a PhD at the University of Cambridge in the academic year 2015-16.


You are eligible for the Egypt Cambridge Scholarship if:

  • you are normally resident in Egypt;
  • you have an outstanding academic record, and a high level of English-language ability;
  • you apply to study for a PhD (in any subject) starting in the academic year 2015-16, and are offered admission.

How to apply

Research thoroughly the University website, including the web pages of your prospective Department, the pages for international students, and the pages for postgraduate applicants.

When you have prepared an outline thesis proposal, contact your prospective Department to find out if there is a suitable senior academic who can supervise your PhD studies.  The University will not offer admission if there is not a suitable supervisor for your research topic.

Apply, using the online application form, by the scholarship application deadline of
2 December 2014.
This is a strict deadline, and no application that is received after that date will be considered for scholarship funding.  You will be required to pay an application fee, by credit card, of £50.

Soon after submitting your application you will receive, by email, access to your personal self-service account, which you can use to track the progress of your application.


After the scholarship application deadline has passed, the Department will decide whether to offer you admission.  This decision is based solely on academic achievement and potential.  The Cambridge Trust plays no part in the academic decision process.

If you are offered admission, your application papers will be passed to the Cambridge Trust for scholarship decisions.  No scholarship will be offered to a candidate who already has sufficient funding to study for a PhD in Cambridge, and each applicant who is offered a scholarship will be required to sign a statement confirming their financial status.

You will be informed of any scholarship offer betwen late March and May 2015.


The University will only offer admission to candidates who already possess a high level of English language ability.

Check the specific level that is required for your subject, either via the Department's website or via the list of available subjects - clicking on a selected subject will show the minimum entry requirements, including the English language requirement.


Each student at the University also becomes a member of one of the 31 Colleges.  In your application you may indicate a preference for 1 or 2 Colleges, or you may submit an open application; indicating a preference does not guarantee an offer of membership at your preferred College. 

The Trust cannot offer advice on selection of Colleges.

Cost of study

The cost of PhD study at Cambridge starting in the academic year 2015-16 will be approximately as shown below.  Since exact costs for that year are not yet published, the figures below are based on the confirmed costs for 2014-15 and include a 4% increase.

 Tuition fee (Arts) £15,630
 Tuition fee (Science) £20,460
 College fee   £2,570
 Stipend £13,040

The stipend is the minimum required for a single person living in Cambridge for a year.

The cost of study is likely to rise in subsequent years.

Value of scholarship

Each scholarship awarded will be of 3 year's duration.

The Trust will pay the Tuition fee (Arts or Science rate) for each of the 3 years of the scholarship.  You will be required to pay the College fee, the stipend and any other costs, from other sources available to you.

(Please note, this contribution by the Trust is for the scholarship programme in 2015-16 only, and will not apply to later years' awards.)


If you have any queries regarding this scholarship programme, please contact the Cambridge Trust by []email[/email].

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Egypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16 :: Commentaires

Re: Egypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16
Message Ven 29 Aoû 2014 - 22:17 par albatross
تقدم كامبريدج ترست ما يصل إلى خمس منح دراسية للطلبة من مصر الذين يعتزمون بدء برنامج دكتوراة في جامعة كامبريدج للعام الاكاديمي 2015-2016.


  • ان تكون مقيماً في مصر.
  • ان تكون حاصلاً على سجل أكاديمي متميز ومستوى عال في اللغة الانجليزية.
  • ان تقدم طلباً للالتحاق ببرنامج دكتوراة (في أي موضوع) بدءاً من العام الأكاديمي 2015-2016 وان يحصلوا على عرض قبول.

تقديم الطلبات

ينبغي البحث بدقة في الموقع الالكتروني للجامعة بما في ذلك الصفحات الالكترونية للقسم وصفحات الطلبة الأجانب وصفحات مقدمي طلبات الدراسات العليا.

وعند إعداد مقترح أطروحة الكتروني، يجب التواصل مع القسم المعني لمعرفة ما إن كان هنالك أستاذ أكاديمي ملائم يمكنه الإشراف عليك خلال دراسة الدكتوراة. ولن تقوم الجامعة بمنح عرض قبول ان لم يكن هنالك مشرف ملائم للموضوع البحثي الخاص بك.

ينبغي تقديم الطلبات باستخدام نموذج الطلب الالكتروني وذلك قبل الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات في 2 كانون أول-ديسمبر 2014.

قيمة المنحة

سيتم تقديم المنح لمدة ثلاث سنوات.

وستقوم ترست بتغطية الرسوم الدراسية لكل سنة من سنوات المنحة الثلاثة. يجب عليك دفع رسوم الكلية والتكاليف الأخرى من مصادر أخرى متوافرة.


إن كان لديك أية أسئلة تتعلق ببرنامج المنحة، يرجى التواصل عبر البريد الالكتروني لكامبريدج ترست.



Egypt Cambridge Scholarship 2015-16

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