Post doc in Economic History
Type of employment: Limit of tenure, two years
Extent: 100 %
Location: Deparment of Economic History, Lund
First day of employment: January 1, 2015
Official Records Number: EHLPA 2014/132
In line with Lund University's internationalisation strategy, Lund University School of Economics and Management announces one or more positions as post doc in Economic History.
Subject area
Economic History
Specific subject description
Economic History
Job assignments
The holder will conduct independent research in Economic History. She/he must be willing to interact with the students and to participate actively in the common activities of the Department of Economic History. The position involves a limited amount of teaching and/or supervision of Bachelor and Master's Theses.
Eligibility/Entry Requirements
The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.
Basis of Assessment
Scholarly proficiency is the main requirement for employment.
The holder of the position should be competent and experienced enough to be able to carry out independent research in Economic History.
To be qualified for employment as post doc, an individual must hold a PhD in Economic History or related discipline (e.g. Economics, Sociology, Demography, Economic Geography, History), preferably awarded at a non-Swedish university no more than three years ago (unless the applicant has been on parental leave or leave due to illness). Applications will also be accepted from persons who have not yet completed their PhD, but this condition must be satisfied at the time of employment.
For appointment, the candidate must have demonstrated a high degree of research expertise as manifested in the quality of the PhD dissertation and other publications. The application must include a research plan where the applicant presents her/his own ideas for research to be conducted.
In addition to the above, the following set of criteria will be applied in the assessment of candidates:
- experience from working at a non-Swedish university
- international experience
- relevance and viability of the research plan
- other results and distinctions which attest to the applicant's ability to do research
- ability to engage and inform society at large about research
The evaluation will take the experience, knowledge and other personal qualities into consideration. The applicants' ability to use their skills and experience to strengthen and supplement existing research activities within the School of Economics and Management will also be considered.