merci bcp
Annonce de Recrutement de Jeunes Chercheurs en nano-électronique et nano-énergétique La Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique du Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique , lance un appel à candidature pour le recrutement de jeunes chercheurs hautement qualifiés,
qui pourront apporter une contribution substantielle ou une assistance technique à haute valeur ajoutée pour le développement d'un centre de recherche en nano-électronique et nano-énergétique et dont l'ouverture est prévue en janvier 2012.
The General Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DG-RSDT) is looking for qualified Research Scientists who can provide substantial material and technical assistance to the growth of the Center for Nanoelectronics and Nanoenergetics (CNN) of Annaba University. The primary goal of CNN is to develop renewable and sustainable energy enabling technologies using's wide spec-trum of innovative materials built at the nanoscale. DG-RSDT invites physicists, chemists, and engineer scientists with différent backgrounds to respond to the announcement by 12/30/2010. Applications re-ceived after this deadline will not be considered. A follow up screening process will take place to sélect the best candidates to consider as future Research Workforce Personnel at CNN. Successful individus will receive a formai notification of acceptance. Prior to ultimately join CNN these individuals will benefit from diverse technical and managerial research trainings and mentoring programs at the University of Houston (UH), Texas - USA.
* Works under supervision.
* Demonstrates a high level of
Initiative in performing experiments.
* Ufiderstands thé principles involved
in ongoing experiments.
* Summarizes research in reguiar
reports and communicates results of
research to supervisors and in team
* Demonstrates scientific curiosity through reading and talking with colleagues.
* Displays initiative in learning new techniques and research approaches.
o Present at group meetings and write reports for internai communications and to prepare papers for peer review journals.
Minimum Qualifications
A minimum of a Master of Science or Technology degree from accredited Universites or equivalent is required. Candidates familiar with English Language and well-versed in computer use would be preferred.
Major fields of interest:
- Materials Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Microelectronics
- Other related fields of engineering and technology
DG-RSDT is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to a diverse scientists and staff body. Interested candidates should apply by Email by sending formai Letter and Resume to both:
Prof. HafidAourag
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Prof. Nacer Badi
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Indicate "UH-DGRSDT Mémorandum"
in the email subjectline.