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 Beef Reproduction I CEV MULTIMEDIA, 1988

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Beef Reproduction I CEV MULTIMEDIA, 1988 Empty
MessageSujet: Beef Reproduction I CEV MULTIMEDIA, 1988   Beef Reproduction I CEV MULTIMEDIA, 1988 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Juil 2010 - 21:24

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No matter what breed or qualities you are trying to establish, herd improvement comes through continually selecting the best bull (or semen) and the best heifers. The presentation focuses on selection and management procedures based on reproductive efficiency of bulls and heifers. You will see detailed anatomy of the bull and cow in both graphic and real-life representations, including microscope photography of sperm and egg cells.

Password: WingChunVetFighter

Parte 1
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Parte 2
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Parte 3
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Parte 4
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Parte 5
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Parte 6
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Parte 7
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Parte 8
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Parte 9
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Parte 10
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Parte 11
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Beef Reproduction I CEV MULTIMEDIA, 1988
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