[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Soundness in the Horse
Autor: Peter Gray
1. First Impressions
2. The Heart and Eye
3. The Visual Examination
4. The Head and Neck
5. The Ribs, Sternum and Forelimb
6. The Lower Limb
7. The Back, Abdomen and Hind Limb
8. Examination at the Walk and Trot
9. The Wind under Strenuous Exercise
10. The Organ Systems
11. Examination After Rest, and Certification
12. The Variety of Horses Examined
13. Special Examinations
14. Conditions of Sale and Warranties
15. Some Comments on the Law
16. Some Buying Considerations
17. Vendor's Interests
18. Examination at Events and Endurance Contests
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