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 Integrated food safety and veterinary public health

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2 participants


Messages Messages : 876
Points Points : 2410

Integrated food safety and veterinary public health Empty
MessageSujet: Integrated food safety and veterinary public health   Integrated food safety and veterinary public health Icon_minitimeMar 7 Avr 2009 - 21:00

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Main Description

The importance of food safety within human health has been widely recognized. The safety of foods of animal origin is particularly relevant because the large majority of foodborne diseases derive from poultry, eggs, meat, dairy products and fish. This textbook covers an integrated approach to this type of food production, hygiene and safety and shows how it results in concurrent benefits to animal well being, human health and protection of the environment, and socioeconomics.
Topics covered include ways of optimizing farming practices, controlling notifiable and zoonotic diseases, hygienic animal slaughter, food preservation and processing, food retailing, food handling in catering and domestic environments. This book will be of significant interest to students of veterinary medicine, animal science, environmental health and food science and technology.

Main Contents

Part 1: On-farm phase in the context of the food chain

* Food chain and health hazards
* On-farm factors and health hazards

Part 2: Hygiene of meat production-processing and meat inspection

* Meat industry
* Pre-slaughter phase
* Slaughter and dressing
* Post-mortem meat inspection
* Meat preservation and processing
* Meat safety management at abattoir
* Food hygiene and safety at retail-consumer phase

Part 3: Hygiene of production-processing of other foods and retail-consumer food safety

* Hygiene of production-processing of other foods
* Food hygiene and safety at retail-consumer phase

Part 4: Stable-to-table concept

Principles of longitudinal and integrated food safety assurance

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Messages Messages : 118
Points Points : 116

Integrated food safety and veterinary public health Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Integrated food safety and veterinary public health   Integrated food safety and veterinary public health Icon_minitimeMar 14 Juil 2009 - 21:59

my love thanks
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