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 Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016

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Big Brother
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Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016   Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Fév 2016 - 19:52

Dans le cadre de son volet FORMATION, le LabEx LERMIT lance un appel à projets pour des allocations doctorales de 3 ans.
Ces allocations concernent le périmètre des Ecoles Doctorales 582 (Cancérologie), 569 (Innovation Thérapeutique) et 571 (Sciences Chimiques).

Pour les futurs directeurs de thèse: Téléchargez[url= AAP Allocations Dcotorales LERMIT-2016-FR.pdf] ICI [/url] le texte de l'appel 2016.

Pour les étudiants:

  • Téléchargez [url= Fellowships Call 2016 - LabEx LERMIT.pdf]ICI[/url] les modalités de candidature

  • A partir du 15 février 2016, la liste complète des sujets de thèse proposés sera consultable ICI

  • Il est conseillé de contacter le futur directeur de thèse dès que possible afin d'échanger ensemble sur le sujet
  • Le dossier de candidature complet devra être déposé au plus tard le 1er avril
  • Les candidats préselectionnés pour l'audition du 25 mai 2016 devront obligatoirement fournir les notes d'écrit de M2.

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Big Brother
Administrateur du site
Administrateur  du site
Big Brother

Sexe : Masculin
Messages Messages : 5768
Points Points : 15667

Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016   Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Fév 2016 - 19:54

2016 Labex Lermit PhD Fellowships for International Applicants in France

The LERMIT is offering a call for proposal for 3 year PhD Fellowships. Candidates of any nationality can apply for this fellowship.
The main objective of the university is to provide high quality, comprehensive educational and training opportunities that are compatible to changing needs of the students.
The goal of LERMIT is thus to foster interdisciplinary research at the interface between Chemistry, Physico-Chemistry and Biology. Organizing the research around this main objective was not an easy task and required heavy brainstorming and stimulating discussions. As a result, they decided to organise the research within LERMIT around three main topics.
Since the language of instruction at French universities and colleges is French, applicants are required to prove their level of command of the French language.

Course Level: Fellowships are awarded for pursuing PhD degree level.

Study Subject: These fellowships concern the scope of the Doctoral Schools 582(Cancer), 569(Therapeutic Innovation) and 571(Chemistry) of the University Paris Saclay.
Scholarship can be taken at: France

Eligibility: Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for this fellowship:-
Candidates of any nationality, with strong track record, must hold a Master Degree (or equivalent) or obtain it before October 1st, 2016. They seek motivated creative students with a strong interest for interdisciplinary in the field of Medication and Therapeutics.

Nationality: Candidates of any nationality can apply for this fellowship.

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants should have strong track record and must hold a Master Degree (or equivalent) or obtain it before October 1st, 2016
English language Requirements: Since the language of instruction at French universities and colleges is French, applicants are required to prove their level of command of the French language. If they are enrolling in the first or second year of a study program at university in France, applicants must prove they have the adequate level of knowledge of French by either passing a language test or by obtaining a degree in French. If they are applying for studies at a Grande École, or they intend to study in the third year of a study program, or plan to enroll in a master’s or PhD program, they will have to check the French language requirement with their school in France since it varies depending on the study program. In general, applicants are expected to have a level of command of the French language corresponding to B1/B2 in the European Language Passport.

Supporting Material: In addition to the application for the scholarship, the applicant must submit the following documents:-

How to Apply: Candidates should apply online. It is advised to get in contact with the PhD supervisor as soon as possible in order to discuss about the proposal
Application Form
Application Deadline: The complete application form should be submitted no later than April 1st , 2016. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed on May 25th, 2016 by a selection committee which includes representatives of the Doctoral Schools involved.
Scholarship Link

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Allocations doctorales LERMIT en Cancérologie, Innovation Thérapeutique et Sciences Chimiques, France 2016
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