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 TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016

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TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016 Empty
MessageTWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016

Each year the Academy awards nine prizes of USD 15,000 each to individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least 10 years.
29 February 2016
Partner Organizations
Eligible Nominees
All developing countries
Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Physics and Social Sciences
Age limit
The TWAS Prizes are awarded to individual scientists from developing countries in recognition of an outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in nine fields of sciences and/or to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.

  • Every year, TWAS awards nine prizes of USD15,000 each in the following fields: agricultural sciences, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, medical sciences, physics and social sciences.
  • Each prize is accompanied by a medal.
  • Prizes are usually presented on a special occasion, often coinciding with the General Meeting of TWAS.


  • Candidates for a TWAS Prize must be scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years immediately prior to their nomination. They must meet at least one of the following qualifications:

    • Scientific research achievement of outstanding significance for the development of scientific thought.
    • Outstanding contribution to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.

  • Members of TWAS and candidates for TWAS membership are not eligible for TWAS Prizes.
  • Self-nominations will not be considered.


  • TWAS is inviting nominations from all its members as well as science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions in developing and developed countries.
  • Nominations must be made on the nomination form and clearly state the contribution the candidate has made to the development of the particular field of science for which the prize would be awarded.
  • The nominee's CV and her/his complete list of publications are also required.
  • Nominations of women scientists and scientists from scientifically lagging countries are particularly encouraged.
  • Nominations for the 2016 prizes must be submitted to the address shown below. Nominations arriving later will be considered in the following year.
  • The re-nomination of a previously declined candidate shall be accepted only if it bears substantially new elements for judgment.

Selection of the awardees is made on scientific merit and on the recommendations of the selection committees composed of TWAS members. The names of the winners will be announced on the first day of the TWAS 27th General Meeting.
Inquiries and completed nomination forms should be addressed to:

 TWAS Prizes
 ICTP Campus, Strada Costiera 11
 I-34151 Trieste, Italy
 Phone: +39 040 2240 387
 Fax: +39 040 2240 7387

Note The "TWAS Prizes" evolved from two pre-existing award schemes: TWAS Awards in Basic Sciences, instituted in 1985, to recognize and support outstanding achievements made by scientists from developing countries in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, and TWNSO Prizes in Applied Sciences, awarded since 1990 by the Third World Network of Scientific Organizations, in the fields of agriculture and technology. List of recipients 1985–.
Application doc(s): 
TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016 X-office-document twas_2016prizes_info.docx125.11 KB
TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016 X-office-document twas_2016prizes_nom_e_2.doc125.5 KB
TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016 X-office-document twas2016prize_socialsciences_protectednominationform.doc124 KB
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TWAS Prizes for Developing Countries Scientists, 2016

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