ISM Scholarships for Graduate Studies
The ISM awards several scholarships to Canadian and foreign students who wish to complete a Ph.D. To be eligible for a scholarship, the student must first apply to a graduate program in mathematics at one of the member universities before January 15th. The Department then processes the application and presents it to the ISM.
Candidates who are already registered in a graduate program at one of the member universities should submit the following documents to the chair of the department by March 2:
- up-to-date university transcripts (including undergraduate and graduate),
- a curriculum vitae, including research achievements and interests,
- two letters of recommendation.
For more information, consult the ISM Scholarships Policy.
Travel Bursaries
The ISM offers financial assistance to students who wish to attend scientific conferences. Departments can recommend four students per year for contributions of up to $500 each for approval by the ISM director.
Nominations should include a brief CV, a description of the conference and a letter of recommendation from the student's supervisor explaining the benefits of the proposed trip for the student.
The application must also be approved by the Departmental Chair or Graduate Programme Director.
It is expected that students and supervisors make every reasonable effort to obtain funding from other sources; they should confirm in their application that they have done so.
Undergraduate Summer Scholarships:
Undergraduate Research Supervised by Postdoctoral Fellows
Funded by the ISM and the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), the Undergraduate Summer Scholarships give undergraduate students the opportunity to acquire research experience in a university or industrial environment while offering postdoctoral fellows the chance to gain experience in research supervision.
For the list of postdoctoral fellows working in ISM institutions, please click here.
Description : ISM Summer scholarships are offered to undergraduate students in mathematics and statistics who are registered in one of the ISM member universities. They allow selected candidates to carry out research under the supervision of a Postdoctoral Fellow affiliated with one of the ISM member universities.
Duration of the scholarship: 2 to 4 months
Salary: $1,250 per month for the duration of the scholarship
Financing :The combined CRM-ISM contribution is $625 per month for the duration of the scholarship. The remainder of the financing is provided by other research funds (individual researchers, research laboratories, etc.).
Deadline: The deadline for submitting an application to the ISM office is March 16, 2015.
Required documents: The following documents should be submitted to the ISM:
- A description of the research project with a calendar indicating how and when the work will be carried out. The duration of the scholarship must be clearly specified on the application.
- University transcripts.
- A letter of recommendation from the proposed supervisor or the sponsoring professor attesting to the ability of the candidate to carry out the research project.
Candidates are encouraged, but not required, to provide a second letter of recommendation.
Other conditions :
- The scholarship recipient is committed to working full time on the research project.
- The recipient will present a research report at the end of the project.
- If the candidate wishes to work on a research project in an industrial environment, a postdoctoral fellow affiliated with a university must co-supervise the work.
- Exceptionnally, a professor who does not have an NSERC grant may supervise a student.