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 Université de Auckland offre des bourses de Master pour les étudiants africains en Nouvelle-Zélande 2014

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Université de Auckland offre des bourses de Master pour les étudiants africains en Nouvelle-Zélande 2014 Empty
MessageUniversité de Auckland offre des bourses de Master pour les étudiants africains en Nouvelle-Zélande 2014

Le principal objectif des bourses est de soutenir les étudiants étrangers qui sont citoyens d'un pays d'Afrique à relever les compétences et lancer une carrière dans les affaires en complétant une maîtrise en gestion, Master of International Business ou maîtrise en comptabilité professionnelle à l'École supérieure de gestion de l'Université d'Auckland Business School.

les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu'au 1 Juin 2014. Université d'Auckland offre un ou plusieurs maîtres de bourses pour les étudiants africains

Domaine (s): bourses sont accordées dans le domaine de la gestion, du commerce international ou le degré de comptabilité professionnelle dans la Graduate School of Management de l'Université d'Auckland Business School.
Date limite: 1 Juin 2014.
Financé par: Université d'Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande
Bénéficiaires (groupes cibles): Université de Auckland Maîtres bourses sont  ciblées pour les élèves de l'Algérie, Angola, Bénin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap-Vert, 
République centrafricaine, Tchad, Comores, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypte , Guinée équatoriale, Érythrée, Éthiopie,  Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libye, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritanie, Maroc, Maurice, Mozambique, Namibie, Niger, Nigeria, République du Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tomé-et-Principe, Sénégal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalie, Afrique du Sud, Soudan, Swaziland, Tanzanie, Togo, Tunisie, Ouganda, Sahara occidental, la Zambie et le Zimbabwe.
Avantages (Valeur / Inclusions):
‣ Prix No: 1 ou plusieurs maîtres bourses sera offert.
‣ Bourse Durée: Ces maîtres bourses sont offertes pour un an au maximum.
‣ bourse: Chaque bourse sera de la valeur de jusqu'à 30.000 $.


Règlement (Version PDF) 
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version en anglais

Graduate School of Management Masters Scholarships (Africa)

Regulations (PDF version)
To apply, click here
Closing date:13/01/2014 
Value of Award:Up to $30,000
No. of awards:1 or more
Tenure:Up to one year.
The Scholarships were established in 2013 and are funded by the Graduate School of Management.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to support international students who are citizens of a country in Africa to up-skill and launch a business career by completing a Master of Management, Master of International Business or Master of Professional Accounting degree in the Graduate School of Management at the University of Auckland Business School.

Selection Criteria

  • The basis of selection will be academic merit and a written statement. Preference may be given to students not receiving other financial assistance.

  • NOTE: Candidates must always refer to the regulations for comprehensive details about selection.

General Information

How do students apply?
Application by form is made to the Scholarships Office.

Applications by way of a form close with the Scholarships Office on 1 June (for the September intake in the year of the award), and 13 January (for the April intake in the same year).

NOTE: Application can be accessed from the University of Auckland scholarships website

Regulations (PDF version)
To apply, click here

Decision makers
The Scholarships will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council upon the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics (or nominee), the Director of the Graduate School of Management (or nominee), and the Director of Masters Programmes of the Graduate School of Management (or nominee).

How and when do students learn of the decision?
Approximately six weeks after the closing date by letter or email.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?
As a condition of tenure, the recipient will be expected to participate as an ambassador of the Graduate School of Management at events which support and promote the Scholarships and studies in the University of Auckland Business School throughout the duration of their enrolled programme.

In accepting the Scholarship, the recipient authorises the use of their personal University of Auckland details and photo in promotional materials for the Graduate School of Management programmes.

NOTE: Regulations are occasionally updated. Candidates must always refer to the regulations for current and comprehensive information relating to conditions of the scholarships.

Additional information

  • In cases where there are adverse personal circumstances beyond a recipient's control, the uptake of a scholarship may be deferred for up to one intake, and is subject to the approval of the Director of Masters Programme of the Graduate School of Management. Deferral requests must be made in writing to the Scholarships Office.

  • NOTE: Regulations are occasionally updated. Candidates must always refer to the regulations for current and comprehensive information relating to the scholarships.

Who else has information about this award?
Scholarships Office, the University of Auckland.

For more information about this award contact:

The University of Auckland

Private Bag 92 019
New Zealand

Phone: (09) 373 7599 -Ext: 87494


Also visit The University of Auckland Scholarships webpage: 
Search for University of Auckland scholarships on: 

Regulations (PDF version)
To apply, click here
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Université de Auckland offre des bourses de Master pour les étudiants africains en Nouvelle-Zélande 2014 :: Commentaires

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Université de Auckland offre des bourses de Master pour les étudiants africains en Nouvelle-Zélande 2014

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