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 he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany.

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he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany. Empty
MessageSujet: he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany.   he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany. Icon_minitimeDim 15 Déc 2013 - 20:59

he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany. Fecava_2014_header_v2013

The 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany.
We are highly delighted to welcome you to this unique event in one of the most attractive regions in Germany! Speakers from Europe and overseas will present a broad and exciting scientific and educational programme.
Munich, the "Metropolis with heart", combining science and technology with culture and hospitality will offer you an unforgettable guest programme. Nearby you find Germany’s highest mountain, the "Zugspitze", beautiful lakes and palaces.
Come to Munich – we are looking forward to welcoming you!
Preliminary programme (1 MB)

Call for Abstracts (pdf-file)
20th FECAVA Eurocongress
60th Conference of the GSAVA (DGK-DVG)

November 6 – 9, 201, International Congress Centre ICM Munich, Germany
You are kindly invited to submit research abstracts for the 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of the European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) in combination with the 60th annual conference of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (DGK-DVG) in Munich, Germany. Oral presentations will be limited to 12 minutes with 3 additional minutes for questions. Research abstracts can also be presented as posters (poster format DIN AO, dimensions ca. 90 x 120 cm). During specified periods, poster authors will be required to attend their posters and be available to answer questions regarding their research.
All submissions received by the FECAVA will be reviewed by a scientific committee. Accepted abstracts will be published in the FECAVA Conference Proceedings as well as in the journals "Kleintierpraxis" and "EJCAP online".
Please make sure to specify your presentation preference in descending order: oral presentation, poster presentation, NO poster presentation, NO oral presentation.
When submitting your abstract, please include the name, address, e-mail, phone and telefax number of the presenting author.
Submission. Abstracts must be submitted online via the electronic submission module. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is April 30, 2014. The online abstract submission site will be deactivated on May 1, 2014.

Online submission will be possible starting January 2014. Please adhere to the format guidelines, as specified on these sites.
Research Abstracts should report recent clinical research, which is original in nature. Reviews will not be accepted, and you are strongly discouraged from submitting preliminary results from ongoing trials. Further, whilst we might consider case reports as research abstracts, these must be of an exceptional (ground-breaking) nature. Abstracts containing any form of advertisement will be rejected.
Conflict of interest statement. All potential conflicts of interest (actual or perceived; financial or personal) that could result in bias or the perception of bias have to be disclosed at the time of abstract submission. Conflict of interest occurs when an author (or someone related to the author e.g. family member, spouse) has a relationship with any entity that has an interest (direct or indirect) related to the submission.
Examples include:

  • any form of support (financial or otherwise) for the study described in the abstract, or for other work that the author is involved in.
  • financial relationships (which can be unrelated to the subject matter of the abstract) whereby the individual or a relative benefits by receiving a salary, royalties, consulting fees, speaker honoraria, ownership interests (e.g. stock or stock options), or other benefits.
  • indirect benefits i.e. where the author, or author's institution, benefits from the results of the study.  An example would be where the author (or their institution) runs a laboratory service which performs an assay that is discussed in the abstract.

Failure to declare a conflict of interest can lead to rejection of the abstract.  Please note that it is best to practise 'full disclosure' and err on the side of caution; if in doubt, please include the item, and the Congress Committee will then decide whether or not it needs to be reported. Please include in the text box provided an explanation that includes the name(s) of the author(s) with the actual or perceived conflict of interest, name of the commercial entity, and the nature of the relationship.
Ethical approval. If experimental research was undertaken involving animals, the scientific committee requires approval from an ethics or welfare committee before the abstract can be accepted. This should take the form of an official letter from the ethics committee (or similar) and should be submitted as a PDF. Please submit this at the same time as submitting the abstract. Abstracts cannot be accepted if appropriate ethical approval has not been awarded. Conditions that may exempt the study from the need for ethical approval (e.g. use of left over samples collected for routine diagnostic procedures) should be clearly indicated in the abstract.
Copyright. By submitting a research abstract and submission form, the author(s) transfer copyright ownership so it can be published in the congress proceedings, "Kleintierpraxis" and "EJCAP" online.
Evaluation. All abstracts will be evaluated anonymously using the following criteria: scientific content, experimental design, animal welfare, and relevance to small animal medicine. The corresponding author will be notified about the decision by July 1, 2014.
Format – layout. The abstract MUST be between 200 and 250 words in length (excluding title and author details).The format of the abstract is flexible, but should contain information on the aim of the work, methods, results, and conclusions. A statement that "the results will be discussed" is not acceptable. Do not use subheadings (methods, results, etc.). Tables, graphs, and figures are NOT allowed.
In the submission form, you must specify whether your research has previously been published, accepted for publication, submitted for publication, or presented elsewhere.
Changes *** PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION CAREFULLY AS THIS IS A COMMON SOURCE OF MISTAKES! *** Firstly, please note that abstracts are not edited after approval. Therefore, we advise you to proofread your abstract carefully before submission, since it will be printed exactly as submitted. Also, once the abstract has been reviewed, changes to the abstract cannot be accepted. If an error is subsequently identified, you are free to withdraw your abstract if you wish.  During the abstract upload process, you will need to list all co-authors for your abstract.
ONE MORE TIME, please note that, after an abstract has undergone review and has been accepted, we cannot accept any changes in authorship, titles, or the content of the abstract etc. Research communications are automatically rejected without further scrutiny if they:

  • are not submitted online
  • are received after closing date (April 30th, 2014)
  • contain fewer than 200 words (excluding title and author details)
  • exceed 250 words in length (excluding title and author details)
  • are not written in scientific English
  • are too preliminary in nature or are deemed to be of low scientific quality
  • contain tables, graphs; or figures
  • are not relevant to small animal internal medicine
  • are deemed to be unethical

Please address all technical questions to
CSM, Congress & Seminar Management
Industriestr. 35
D-82194 Gröbenzell
Please address all other questions to
Prof. Dr. Katrin Hartmann, Dipl. ECVIM-CA
Medizinische Kleintierklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Veterinärstr. 13
D-80539 München
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he 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the 60th Congress of the German Small Animal Veterinary Association (GSAVA) will take place from November 6 to 9, 2014, in Munich, Germany.
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