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 Equine Nutrition and Feeding

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MessageSujet: Equine Nutrition and Feeding   Equine Nutrition and Feeding Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2008 - 19:44

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Since the first edition of Equine Nutrition and Feeding was published in 1986, it has become the standard work on the subject, covering every aspect of the nutrition of breeding, growing and working horses, and describing the basis upon which scientifically derived conclusions for nutrition and dietary requirements are reached.

The book has been extensively updated, revised and rewritten with a full bibliography and reference list. It has been made more practical by setting out the implications of new research for feeding programmes and it includes a full account of the toxicology, and metabolic and other diseases, related to diet. Their causes and control are discussed and comprehensive lists of definitions of terms and the abbreviations used are given.

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