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 Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition

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Messages Messages : 1278
Points Points : 2144
Emploi Emploi : vétérinaire

Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition Empty
MessageSujet: Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition   Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition Icon_minitimeVen 28 Nov 2008 - 16:03

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The 6th edition of a well-known and much used standard text in the field. This book covers all aspects of the biochemical abnormalities caused by various diseases and how they relate to the biochemical changes in the blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluids, other body fluids and in cells. The purpose is to provide the fundamental bases for understanding the biochemical changes which occur in disease processes and in turn to provide the rationale for applying this understandig to the diagnosis of the disease process. A substantial appendix is provided so that the user can quickly identify the reference ranges for a large number of animal species.

Every veterinary school or college in the USA and throughout the world has a department or section which teaches and provides a clinical laboratory service to their in-house and out-patients. Private veterinary laboratories also provide this service to clients and patients. Every major pharmaceutical house has a group which studies animals in the course of their drug safety studies. New and developing studies include the deleterious effects of environmental toxicants to include wildlife and fishes.

* An appendix is provided in the book so that the user can quickly identify the reference ranges for a large number of animal species.

Password: smso
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Messages Messages : 1278
Points Points : 2144
Emploi Emploi : vétérinaire

Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition Empty
MessageSujet: Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Fifth Edition   Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition Icon_minitimeVen 28 Nov 2008 - 16:17

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4 splitted file rar with single pdf inside (3 parts of 50 Mb 1 part of 24 Mb)
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Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, Sixth Edition
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