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 Insights from Veterinary Medicine

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MessageSujet: Insights from Veterinary Medicine   Insights from Veterinary Medicine Icon_minitimeVen 1 Mar 2013 - 14:33

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InTeOpP | 2013 | ISBN: 9535110057 9789535110057 | 290 pages | PDF | 31 MB
This book presents original research results and reviews flashing
several distinctive aspects of the Veterinary Medicine Sciences, in
which the knowledge has continuously increased over the past decades.

A wide field of knowledge is covered in this book, it provides readers
with current advanced resources in different veterinary science

Section 1 Current Topics in Mammal Diseases and Welfare
H hapter 1 Dermatology in Dogs and Cats
2 Immunohistochemical Analysis of Progesterone Receptor and
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in Canine Inflammatory Mammary
3 Indicators of Poor Welfare in Dairy Cows Within Smallholder Zero-Grazing Units in the Peri-Urban Areas of Nairobi, Kenya
Section 2 Current Topics in Infectious Diseases
4 Mycobacterium avium Complex in Domestic and Wild Animals
5 Psittacosis
Section 3 Current Topics on Hormones and Hormone-Related Diseases
6 The Endocrine Glands in the Dog: From the Cell to Hormone
7 Sex Steroid Hormones and Tumors in Domestic Animals
8 Feline Mammary Fibroepithelial Hyperplasia: A Clinical Approach
9 Diseases of Thyroid in Animals and Their Management
10 Crossregulation of the Thyroid Hormone and Corticosteroids in Amphibians and Fish: The Effects of Endocrine Disruption
Section 4 Highlights for Homeopathic Therapeuthicals
11 Acute Toxicity Profiles of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Capsicum annum Seeds from South Western Uganda
12 The in vitro Antihelminthic Efficacy of Erythrina Abyssinica Extracts on Ascaridia galli

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