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 First Scientific and Technical Conference on Mediterranean Aquaculture Bizerta, Tunisia

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First Scientific and Technical Conference on Mediterranean Aquaculture  Bizerta, Tunisia  Empty
MessageSujet: First Scientific and Technical Conference on Mediterranean Aquaculture Bizerta, Tunisia    First Scientific and Technical Conference on Mediterranean Aquaculture  Bizerta, Tunisia  Icon_minitimeMer 13 Fév 2013 - 17:28



Conference Themes

  • Broodstock Management and larviculture
  • Plankton and live preys
  • Offshore aquaculture management and technology
  • Aquaculture feed ingredients and additives
  • Aquaculture Pathology
  • Shell Culture
  • Shrimp and other crustacean culture
  • Tuna fattening
  • Recirculation Aquaculture Systems
  • Multi-trophic (integrated) Aquaculture
  • Organic aquaculture
  • Species introduction and escapees
  • Environmental impacts, environmental standards and certification in aquaculture
  • Mediterranean Aquaculture governance, economics, markets and marketing
  • Traceability in Mediterranean aquaculture products

For further
information, please send an Email

Instructions for Submission of Abstracts
The authors of oral presentations and posters are kindly requested to conform to the following indications for the preparation of the abstracts.
Abstract Title: the title of the abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 14 pt, ALL CAPS, bold, single spacing, centred.
Author(s): The authors should be listed as follows
Author 1*, Author 2** (if applicable),Author 3*** (if applicable), ……..
Author names should be typed in New Roman, 12 pt, ALL CAPS, single spacing, centred.
Affiliation: The asterisks followingthe author names refer to the affiliation of authors. The affiliation(s) should be listed under the author lines and typed in New Roman, 10 pt, italic, single spacing, centred.
Body text: The abstract should be 250-400 words. It should clearly introduce the context
and objectives of the paper, methods (if applicable) main results and conclusions.
The body text of the abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, single
spacing, justified.
Abbreviations: each abbreviation should be placed in parentheses immediately after the first
mention of its meaning; it can then be used throughout the abstract.
Species names: If a vernacular (common) name ofa species appears in the abstract title, it
should be followed by the scientific name typed in italics.
Keywords: after the body text of the abstract, one to four relevant keywords should be
placed as follows:
KEYWORDS:keyword 1, Keyword 2, ….
They should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt
The abstract layout should be set for A4 paper format (21 x 29.7 cm), with top-bottom
margins of 2 cm and left-right margins of 2,5 cm.
Poster format:
Poster dimensions shall be as follows:
Maximum width: 80 cm
Maximum height: 120 cm
Oral presentations:
Each oral presentation will be presented by its author. If several authors, the speaker’s name
shall be clearly indicated when submitting the abstract.
Each speaker will have 10 minutes (maximum) to make his/her presentation supported by
PowerPoint slides. The speakers are encouragedto copy their PowerPoint presentations to the session’s computer and check their compatibility with the computer and the projector. If the presentation includes a video, they should check if the video format is supported by the session’s computer and projector.
The working languages of the conference will be English and French. Abstracts and posters should be written in clear and concise English or French. Authors are encouraged to have their text checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission. The oral presentations and the related discussions will be in English and French. Simultaneous translation between these two working languages will be available during all the oral presentation sessions;
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First Scientific and Technical Conference on Mediterranean Aquaculture Bizerta, Tunisia
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