Paul Hulse, Bernadette M. Carrington - MRI Manual of Pelvic CancerPublished: 2004-02-05 | ISBN: 1859960693 | PDF | 266 pages | 10 MB
This title is an essential reference for all radiologists using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging to identify and diagnose pelvic cancer. Aimed at
radiologists with limited experience of MRI of pelvic cancer, the book
starts with three introductory chapters focusing on basic pelvic
anatomy, imaging and reporting. The subsequent chapters focus on each of
the major types of pelvic cancer using a consistent format to aid
diagnosis. Written by internationally renowned authors, this title will
be an invaluable bench reference for all those required to report on MR
examinations, with accurate cancer staging aided by the extensive use of
high quality MR images of pelvic cancer.